Today’s episode is a lifeline to a special audience: Fatherless Daughters. In Christ, you are fatherless no more.

As many celebrate the men who have played a phenomenal role in their existence and who they’ve come to be, we hold space for those women who may not share such sentiments and experiences.

In a rare occurrence, Hannah pulls back the curtain and shares with listeners her journey as a fatherless daughter. As she tells her story, she concludes episode 32 with 3 life-giving steps that other fatherless daughters can consider as they work toward processing, healing, and moving forward in their stories. Something good can still come out of your story!

In this episode:

– The far reaching impact of fatherlessness in the United States and on girls and women

– Hannah’s journey from pain, confusion, and resentment toward her father, to restoration, acceptance, and forgiveness

– Forgiving when the other person can’t or won’t take accountability

– Bondage, Rejection, and the Spirit of Adoption

– When elevating our parents becomes toxic

– Leaning into to our Heavenly Father and how we can trust Him

– How Hannah’s painful relationship with her father paved the way for a new and unexpected relationship

and more.


Psalm 68:5

Deuteronomy 7:9

Romans 8:15

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