(Note: this is episode 016, not 015 which was incorrectly stated in the recording)

What does it mean to be saved and how do you “do it”? Here’s a hint, it doesn’t involve simply reciting a “Sinner’s prayer”.

Today, we take a look at the one thing that Jesus told everyone whom he called – follow me. In this chock-full episode, you’ll need to grab a pen as Hannah outlines the erected challenges in following Jesus, and the 6 vital and digestible steps that are required in order for us to follow and follow well.

In this episode:

– Are you struggling with doubt and unbelief, and trusting Jesus?

– The biggest thing that is required in order for us to follow

– How and why we begin to take on the image of the idols of our hearts (and what happens when we do)

– Our necessary response to salvation vs. simply reciting a prayer

– The 6 vital steps requires for following Jesus:

1) Willingness to follow

2) Absence of resistance

3) Acknowledgement and understanding that you don’t know where to go

4) Detaching from where you currently are

5) An ability to trust Who is leading

6) Endurance to keep following and pressing on the gas


“The essence of what we do in this journey as Believers is following Jesus.”

“What Jesus came to earth to do was to beckon us to follow Him.”

“If you refuse to move, you’re not going to be able to follow.”

“It takes humility to follow.”

“If we’re totally honest with ourselves, and we reflect [on] the nature of our heart, are we struggling with unbelief? Are we struggling with doubt in who Christ is? Is that the reason why it’s difficult for you to follow?”

“As we devote more and more worship to the idols of the heart, we begin to take on the image of that idol.”

“Whatever we are constantly surrounding ourselves with or focusing on, we begin to take on the form and the image of that thing.”

“We need fuel and endurance to run this race.”

“Learn to rest in the rest that the Lord provides.”

“It’s not saying the Lord’s prayer that saves you, it’s following Him.”

Scripture References:

·  John 8:12

·  John 12:26

·  John 10:27

·  Matthew 10:38

·  Matthew 19:21

·  Matthew 4:19

·  Matthew 9:9

·  Matthew 16:24

·  Matthew 11:28

·  Psalm 9:9

·  Psalm 34:18

·  Psalm 147:3

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EbookThrough the Turbulence (Don’t forget to leave a review!)

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